• Involved in a range of projects, residencies, and exhibitions with various institutions such as the Old Low Light Heritage Centre, the Húsavík Whale Museum, and the London Natural History Museum.
• Teaching, giving artist talks, and leading workshops in various venues including the Iceland University of the Arts, the Dove Marine Laboratory, and the Manchester Museum.
Workshop topics: whale choir workshop, and natural material workshops including seaweed manipulation and bioplastics.
Scientific work experience
• Marine Lead Adviser for Natural England (providing statutory advice on the impacts of development proposal/activities on features of Marine Protected Areas, involved in monitoring, gathering, analysing and managing data on designated features, and involved in connected people with nature projects)
• Curatorial assistance - Natural History: including collection maintenance, taxonomical reorganisation of collections, processing of specimens from field expeditions, collection interpretation, and database modification. - Science Museum Group: reviewing collections to provide a greater understanding of the objects and examining their significance in light of curatorial research
• Cetacean skeletons preparation skills (de-fleshing, cleaning through maceratin, and articulation of cetacean skeletons)
• Whale watching naturalist (searching for, and identifying Cetacea and other marine wildlife, delivering educational content, photographic recordings of cetaceans identifying features for the Research Centre of the University of Iceland database)
Other professional activities
Through the position of Fjúk Arts Centre project manager (Iceland, 2013 -16):
Community building: collaboration with museums, schools, youth centre, and disability care centre through workshops, events and exhibitions
Curatorial practice: international residency manager, curation and management of exhibitions, screenings, performances and other events
Eco action – examples: raising awareness through art and science talks on pollution, and taking action such as organising beach cleaning.
• MSC Sustainability and Ecology (Centre for Alternative Technology)
• MA Fine Art (Wimbledon College of Art)
• BA Interactive Arts (Manchester Metropolitan University)